Friday, September 21, 2018

A sexual-harasser as a Supreme Court Judge, or a false accusation?

On Sep 18, 2018, USA Today published an article by reporter, William Cummings, titled; Senators 'failed' in 1991, Anita Hill says. But she thinks they can do better this time. This article brings to attention a prominent topic of sexual harassment of women in society and government thanks to the evolving state of information. Anita Hill, a female college professor, sat in Supreme Court in 1991, was humiliated publicly for being a victim of sexual harassment by an all-male judiciary committee, and lost her case. Hill’s case is similar to the case of Christine Blasey Ford, in which both accusers where nominees for the Supreme Court; Anita Hill to Clarence Thomas, and Christine Ford to Kavanaugh, along with how the accusers waited so long before they were able to voice themselves.

Many overlook Fords accusation of a harassment from 35 years ago, and many side with her. I personally believe this will go in favor for Ford because Anita’s case has brought wide spread attention and women are being taken more seriously in today’s society than they were back then. This article is a good read for anyone with concerns about women falsely accusing men of rape over the media.

Infographic showing the number of people victimized in one year. Number broken down by inmates (80,600), children (61,000), general public (284,000), and military (18,900).

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