Friday, October 5, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Topics Will Always Lean Towards A Side

     On Oct 4, 2018, USA Today published an article by reporter, Caroline Simon, titled; 'I thought this was a country where women’s rights mattered': Protesters storm Washington again over Kavanaugh. Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court nominee has been held a public job interview for the whole nation to see. In this job interview there have been numerous allegations against him involving sexual harassment suits, judgement on morality, and consistent questioning about his personal life. The whole article is pretty biased because of how many perspectives from feminist ideologies the author Caroline Simon uses. The sources are very negative as they are views from many pro-women's rights people as they always look for the bad and agree with the worst scenario possible. Majority modern day feminism does call out many problems and concerns with the existing patriarch, but at the same time there is the agenda that may cause innocent people at times to lose their livelihood for.

     The author is only an intern for USA Today, but based on her past stories on her feed her ideology is very one sided women's rights activism orientated. The whole argument towards women's rights is a valuable argument, but although I hold moderate standings towards situations like this, the overall standpoint is completely bias, so it is obviously going to be against Kavanaugh, and I would not see this as a reliable source, but I would read it just to see the other sides point of view. At the end of the day the ongoing articles are majority biased because you will always lean towards one side when speaking on such a controversial topic, and whether it is stated or not, sources that are used will always lean towards one topic.

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