Friday, October 19, 2018

Is Donald Trump going to build a wall or is it a campaign ruse?

     On Oct 19, 2018, The Washington Post published an article by David Nakamura, Josh Dawsey, and Nick Miroff, titled; “‘Close the whole thing!’: Border tensions boil over as Trump’s frustrations grow.” The Trump administration has really put the focus back into immigration policies as of late and seems to be targeting control of the conservative which won them the POTUS status as midterm elections near. A quote from the article states; “In the summer, the president was so upset by the border numbers that he proposed sealing the entire 1,954-mile U.S.-Mexico border, including shuttering legal ports of entry, blocking trade flows and halting tourism and travel, according to the senior administration officials” It’s quite interesting how there had been major hype towards building a wall and spending a substantial amount of money to segregate a people instead of attempting to fund for better education and prosperity in low-income areas. The rise of this ideology of segregation once again was a reminder of many Americans with moderate and left-wing ideologies what could become modern-day slave ideology once again, and it especially became pronounced when videos surfaced of homeland security using brute force to separate good people, also known as, “drug-dealers” and “rapists” by conservative America, being separated from their children and families in public places such as their homes or outside of churches.

     The article is left-leaning as it points out that Trump constantly blames Democrats for causing such problems for the Department of Homeland Security. There are also many arguments again in an attempt to portray the Democratic Party at fault for the ongoing problems occurring inside the white house with accusations towards the former President Barack Obama and his administration for characterizing “stopping illegal immigration as a willingness problem.” At the end of the day, this is more of a matter of what the people want to hear. Those that are in America and aren’t fleeing from their problem areas are not in favor for immigrants, let alone illegal immigrants bringing their problematic ideologies to America and tainting it, and at the end of the day selfish America has spoken its mind in the past and will continue to do so if the nation is more for spending notable assets on segregation of people instead of assimilation of diversity in a great nation.

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Yes, Trump, a billionaire that doesn't pay his workers and cares about us, has a solution to our national debt.

President Barack Obama, although he did have flaws and had to make some very drastic decisions in his life when he was in office is still m...