Friday, November 30, 2018

Yes, Trump, a billionaire that doesn't pay his workers and cares about us, has a solution to our national debt.

President Barack Obama, although he did have flaws and had to make some very drastic decisions in his life when he was in office is still missed by a majority of people because he did show a sense of empathy and followed through most reasonably with his declarations from the Marriage Act for same-sex marriage and to Obamacare for families. Former POTUS Obama told the public to not be blinded by an arrogant person who is on top and has always been on top. He acknowledged Trumps' indecency towards people who have worked for him and how he does not pay him, and how he constantly changes statements repeatedly. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, has written in her books on “appealing” to the small minds by deception for personal benefit.

In the video titled "Trump’s many proposals for paying off the national debt" by JM Rieger from The Washington Post, Trump addresses issues in a very dictator-like manner. Trump is educated enough to acknowledge that we do have a lot of imports and taxation's of Chinese imports could greatly benefit us repaying debts to many countries, as well as China that holds the most. The dictator ideology begins to show more when he mentions why we were in Iraq and that their Oil could've solved a $15 trillion deficit, and he speaks on Iraq as if it's just there, for grabs, with no concept of it being a nation or foundation for people, which peaks into his personality. Further on he speaks of energy companies, then climate agreements for factories overseas that "take jobs and money" when they’re just privately-owned business working off-shores for cheaper wages with less strict laws, and again we are fed what we want to hear.

As usual, he blames Obamacare, which is just another name for healthcare, but he appeals to the masses, primarily the surprisingly overwhelming conservatives of which some do not know the difference and speaks of reform/replacement of it as if that will help the people or even, in turn, the nation. It's "1st Grade business," he says, to whatever interpretation that can mean.

On the topic of treating people unfairly, Trump received a great amount of backlash when he said, "I hate to tell you, but you're throwing our budget out of whack," whilst in Puerto Rico during their Hurricane calamity. Trumps amazing immediate follow-up post the backlash as if nothing happened, stated, "I always worry about the deficit but what are you going to do you have a hurricane you have to take care of the people," which really goes to show there is no empathy, but merely a matter of how far can I go and how do I act based on the cause and effect.

Finally the most "brilliant" plan our current POTUS has come up with; "Printing more money." Just like the ideology of "1st Grade Business," this has a ridiculous resemblance to that of the hyperinflation that occurred in Germany, and we all know the aftermath of that.

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Yes, Trump, a billionaire that doesn't pay his workers and cares about us, has a solution to our national debt.

President Barack Obama, although he did have flaws and had to make some very drastic decisions in his life when he was in office is still m...