Sunday, November 18, 2018

Critically Assessing A Classmates Utopia Ideologue.

Before assessing a classmates point of view, I must acknowledge the fact I am an immigrant born overseas and raised overseas in many different places from Northern Africa, and France, and finally residing in the United States of America, and I hold a moderate stance on many political discussions.

My fellow classmate, Christian Briones has a very positive leftist ideology in his topic of "The Land of the Free." While I do agree with the fact that my friend makes valid arguments in the sense that people deserve the opportunity to have new lives, to escape from their problems, and to make a better place for their families to live in, I must disagree on immorality to prevent someone from coming in or getting sent back.

As ruthless as it may seem, and although if I was on the other side of the spectrum I'd only naturally be arguing from an opposing point of view I do know for a fact the process of obtaining a visa and trying to come in to America let alone stay in there is ridiculously hard and people devout their life savings for a chance at it. It comes to honest dismay that not everyone belongs here, and before the thought of me having no right to say that comes in to play. It's in the sense that once we create a "Land of the Free," it will become exactly that, once we make very loosely constructed guidelines to entering into America and staying here, those with bad intentions may stir up chaos and this will eventually lead to major discrepancies in wealth, increased racism, and possibly, a more chaotic nation.

What I do believe is necessary, is for slight reform to those that are able to come into America. A more logical unbiased approach and not one of which someone's story must reach national news in order for them to have the ability to come in. The reason America is so great and grand and the reason everyone wants to come into it is that unlike what I've experienced overseas with the culture shock, it is better. When people that have grown accustomed to poverty and different norms, it will drastically affect us if we allow them to walk on it.

With the current administration there is a factual indication of racism and bias, however, it's not only "our president," which people fail to see because we are so caught up in media and eat up whatever is entertaining and tossed at us. For people to make change for a nation closer to a utopia, it is a necessity to rather than just state opinions, but to take action and attempt to achieve roles and status to help society for the better good, or to end up watching from the sidelines like the rest of us, enjoying what we have, but with a conflicted feeling on the inside because we would rather it be us than them.

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Yes, Trump, a billionaire that doesn't pay his workers and cares about us, has a solution to our national debt.

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